Tuesday 15 November 2016

Cixin Liu: Death's End

“Weakness and ignorance are not barriers to survival, but arrogance is.”

“If we lose our human nature, we lose much, but if we lose our bestial nature, we lose everything.”

“And now we know that this is the journey that must be made by every civilization: awakening inside a cramped cradle, toddling out of it, taking flight, flying faster and farther, and, finally, merging with the fate of the universe as one. The ultimate fate of all intelligent beings has always been to become as grand as their thoughts.”

“Hide yourself well; cleanse well.”

“Because the universe is not a fairy tale.”

On the day of the universe's Last Judgment, two humans and a robot belonging to the Earth and Trisolaran civilizations embraced each other in ecstasy.

“Even Coca-Cola probably tasted medicinal the first time you tried it. Anything addictive is like that.”

“Time is the cruelest force of all.”

“The universe is but a corpse puffing up.”

"Mere existence is already the result of incredible luck. Such was the case on Earth in the past, and such has always been the case in this cruel universe. But at some point, humanity began to develop the illusion that they’re entitled to life, that life can be taken for granted.”

“A bottomless abyss exists in every inch”

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